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Showing posts from May, 2019

And it Shall be Written in Eight and Six: A Midsummer Night’s Dream PHILIP HARVEY

[Literally] Literally this is what’s going on as we speak. Mechanicals have answered their mobiles. They are working on the props between smokos. Fairies consort with some fairly ordinary royals. Whatever’s in that drink it’s messing with their minds. We don’t mind if we do, say they. They’re on. Like, literally, how can something so wrong Feel so right and why does everyone around Laugh at the wrong moments? That should be so right. Literally it’s already later as we speak these words. The plot’s forgot, the director’s gone home. They dream through habitations all their own. Literally, who has space for this emotion That is so much yes, only to turn out no? [Prologue] That so much yes yes only turns out no Texts forwards days, near-tears, mostly truth; Whether another, and will anything soothe, Or stop time? Is this the end, or the go? What do you see in them? ask the prolix. Refer to your blameless past and your blog. Yes “well, w

Spirit wit: Five sonnets for Les Murray

  Perverb A slight subversion is a shared smile: He who laughs last didn't get the joke. Lead with the chin and lose your grin. One hand clapping gets the ears flapping. What doesn't kill you leaves your nose out of joint. Keep your eye on the ball and shoulder to the wheel. A phone in the hand is a crash in the pole. It takes the biscuit how the cookie crumbles. Money makes the world go round money. Phoney pols are a crash in the polls. Her Greek gifts were his Achilles heel. Trackwork means footwork: less trains less often. All roads lead to home sweet home. When in Rome, go to Rio. Eye When in Rome, go to riotous Raphael Crowded with weekday shoppers in bold folds, Their once-in-a-lifetime vistas untold Where empires' blockbusters never fail. Vespas buzz out of sight of oculus; Palaces peer down, churches seek repair. Human-high inscriptions defy despair, Cool sublime atop the ridiculous. Eye summonses, with palindrome