Painting: ‘Lady with Book of Verse by Petrarch’, (circa 1514) by Andrea del Sarto. This image is on the cover of ‘The Art of the Sonnet’. In just a week we have seen our School rise from an idea to a busy interaction between friends and acquaintances, both here in Australia and already overseas. Grounding of planes has lent new meaning to the word ‘overseas’. You are all welcome! The conversation has been constructive, good-humoured, but also exploratory, as poets find their way with the form. The sonnets have been a delight to encounter, enjoy, and reflect upon. As they say in Ireland, the craic is good. In fact, things are getting a bit out of control here in self-isolation. We already find we need a couple of School policies, just so everyone knows what’s going on. While I toyed with the idea of a separate School FB page, this is not really a closed group. New poets join as a result of the friendships enjoyed with current members. Serendipity rules. We want to be sen...