The opening part of a seminar paper written by Philip Harvey for the ‘Wilde about Joyce’ Bloomsday in Melbourne, 16 th June 2009, and read in the Brian Boru Room of the old Celtic Club, corner La Trobe and Queen Street, Melbourne. The numbered quotes were read by Bill Johnston. 1. Vae autem homini illi per quem Filius hominis tradetur … Et manducantibus illis, acceptit Iesus panem: et benedicens fregit, et dedit eis These lines from the Latin version of Mark’s Gospel were universally heard during the lives of Oscar Wilde and James Joyce. They were heard in their English form in the prayer of consecration in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. 2. Who on the same night that he was betrayed, took bread: and when he had given thanks, he brake it For centuries the gospel and the prayer at the communion remind those in attendance of the reality of betrayal. Indeed, at the very moment when the act of sharing is taking place, ultimate giving, we are made to remem...